Articles tagged with community

Boston Mixxx Meetup -- Tonight at 9pm!

Date Author RJ Ryan Tag community, event

Calling all Boston-area Mixxxers -- tonight we're hosting an impromptu Mixxx user meetup care of the Redhat conference that's in town this week.

Join us at the World Trade Center at 9pm tonight to hang out with other Mixxx users and developers. We'll have a bunch of gear to play with …

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Mixxx T-shirt contest

Date Author Pegasus Tag merchandise, tshirt, community, contest

OK everyone.

The submissions for the T-shirt contest are below. Unfortunately, it seems most of you are much more interested in buying a shirt rather than designing one, so we have only two entries, only one of which is an original design. That said, it's great design, and so we'd …

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Mixxx 2009 User Survey

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag community, survey

Screenshot of Mixxx 1.7.2

Mixxx has always been driven by constant feedback from our community of DJs. Two years ago, you helped steer the development of Mixxx by giving us feedback through a user survey that we created. Consequently, we focused our efforts for the last two releases on the features you asked for …

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Looking for a Community Coordinator

Date Author Albert Santoni Tag community

Are you a creative Mixxx enthusiast? Would you like volunteer with the project, but don't know how to code? If so, we might have found the role for you - We are officially looking for a Mixxx Community Coordinator .

Mixxx Forums

As the Mixxx community grows, we're finding that we're spending more and …

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