This is just a very quick post to update everyone on the progress of the release. It looks like we'll be releasing the first 1.6.0-beta1 packages on either Sunday (23rd) or Monday (24th) depending on how much time we have. It looks like we'll have a Windows package …
I know this has been rather a painful wait for some people who have been anticipating great things from the 1.6.0 series. So I thought I'd just post to say that we are nearly there. I can only speak for the Windows release personally but I'm now about …
The last month has been completely insane.
We've been busy fixing bugs and not-quite-finished features like there's no tomorrow.
Our Subversion repository has seen more than 70 commits (those are generally changes to Mixxx's code) in the last month, and we've still got a few things to finish before the …
I picked up a Macbook a few days ago after weeks of trying to find a decent laptop.
This is good news for Mixxx because it means our OS X maintainer (cough me) now has a Mac at home. :)
Since the last time I compiled Mixxx on OS X, we've …
Two weeks ago, Albert Santoni (gamegod) and myself (Adam Davison) were at a conference at Google wrapping up the Google Summer of Code programme.
For those who don't know, the goal of the scheme is to pay students to work full-time on open source software like Mixxx.
This year was …
The September issue of Computer Music magazine features Mixxx again, this time in a half-page blurb which includes an interview with Adam Davison about some of the challenges we've faced and where Mixxx is headed.
There's also an article about using Linux for audio production, if you're interested in taking …
He figured out how to integrate a file browser into our new library table view.
Being able to browse directories is useful if you want to load songs that are outside your library (although you can just drag-and-drop them into Mixxx from outside).
It's …
Ubuntu 7.10's universe repository now contains a pre-release of Mixxx 1.5.2.
This new version fixes several crashes, and should be more stable than 1.5.0.
The 1.5.2 binaries for other platforms should follow sometime in the next few weeks (unless we decide to just …