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Rhythmbox Annoyance

Tom Jennings edited this page Mar 4, 2008 · 1 revision

Rhythmbox annoyance(s)

<rant>Sheesh, all these music programs insist on doing me 'favors' that I didn't ask for. Like, it has it's own idea of a "music collection", which is "every playable file I ever come across, ever", when the real answer is for a person to "put your music in a folder, and point to it". </rant>

rhythmbox accumulates every playable file ever seen into it's "collection". You'd think that the Edit -> Preferences -> Music tab path would be where it looked for music, but you would be wrong.

To enforce that rhythmbox actually do so, occasionally do this:

Quit rhythmbox,

$ rm .gnome2/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml

Then restart.

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