Guidelines for Mixxx Manual writers

What is the intended outcome of the manual?

A user who doesn't know Mixxx yet should be able to mix two tracks from its music library in the shortest possible time. Assuming he will be more motivated to explore the software and get creative.

(Future) characteristics of the Mixxx manual:


Easy to use when, where, and how you need it. Examine, how someone else is using the application. Watch someone else use the manual (preferably someone who has never seen it before). Be consistent with the instructional design so users can follow a set pattern. Don’t use the terms you use as a developer, try to find the terminology of the user.

Based on sound learning principles

For example users should actually learn from it, not just refer to it. Use the KISS principle; keep it sweet and simple. Too much information can be overwhelming, so present one concept at a time. Explain simple features in a matrix.


Keeps users willing to push forward to higher levels. Present general concepts first to provide a frame of reference. Then move to more complex topics.

Group problems the user might hit in a particular task right there with the instruction for that task. Do not force a user to go to a separate “Troubleshooting” section. We can have such separate sections, but as a author you should duplicate pitfalls and problems and include a solution in the task.

Technical conventions

Line Widths

Please configure your editor to have a max column-width of 80-columns. While it is not a strict requirement, 80-column cleanliness makes it easy to tile multiple buffers of code across a laptop screen, which provides significant efficiency gains to developers.


Use english language settings when creating screen-shots of the Mixxx interface. This might change if we ever have true i18n. The preferred file format is PNG. Don’t add shadows to application window screen-shots as they are added automatically to the document with style-sheets.

Always include descriptive alt text and a figure description. The latter will be numbered in the PDF export. That sets them apart from the text below. Place screen-shots above the context you are going to explain.

Screenshots should only show the necessary area and not the entire screen where not necessary. Use annotation on the screenshot if necessary to emphasize elements, use color #FF1F90 if possible for consistency.

.. figure::

Use this directive to place images like Screen-shots. Example markup:

.. figure:: /_static/icons/mixxx-icon.png
   :width: 64px
   :align: center
   :height: 64px
   :alt: Alternate text on mouse over
   :figclass: pretty-figures

   Insert descriptive caption here

Nice screenshot tools with build-in editor for annotations:

Alternatively, import your screenshots into Inkscape, add annotations and export as .png to /static. Then save the original work as .svg to /static as well, so any future contributor can work on your annotations at a later time.

File naming

As the manual grows over the time with new versions of Mixxx and new screenshots, it is important to have files named consistently. Save files to the /static folder or create a sub-folder in there.


This scheme makes it easy to know which version a screenshot was taken from and where it belongs and if it must replaced, like e.g. Mixxx-111-Preferences-Recording.png


Do not include any dot in the file names of your screenshots your file name or you wont be able to generate PDF with LaTeX.

Double quotes

Use curly double quotes (“ ”). Avoid typewriter double quotes (” „) produced by the convenient quotation mark button on your keyboard. For details and key combinations, see Wikipedia and .


The following admonitions are in use:

.. note::

For anything that should receive a bit more attention. Example markup:

.. note::
   a note
.. hint::

For supplementary information that lightens the work load. Example markup:

.. hint::
   a helpful hint
.. seealso::

For references to other documents or websites if they need special attention. References to other documents can also be included in the text inline. Example markup:

.. seealso::
   a reference and inline link `Google <>`_
.. warning::

Recommended over note for anything that needs to be done with caution. Example markup:

.. warning::
   a warning
.. todo::

Allow inserting todo items into documents and to keep a automatically generated TODO list Example markup:

.. todo::
   some task


Replacement images or text can be included in the text. They are added through a substitution (aka alias). This may be appropriate when the replacement image or text is repeated many times throughout one or more documents, especially if it may need to change later.

All replacements are kept in the file shortcuts.rstext which is included at the beginning of each file in which a substitution is used.

To use an alias for the Mixxx logo, simply put the definition into shortcuts.rstext.

.. |logo| image:: /_static/icons/mixxx-icon.png

Using this image alias, you can insert it easily in the text with |logo| , like this: logo

For a text replacement the code looks similar:

.. |longtext| replace:: Loooooooong text is looooooooong
Using this text alias, you can insert it easily with |longtext| , like this:

Loooooooong text is looooooooong .

Vezi și

The substitute section in the docs. Here and also here


Normally, there are no heading levels assigned to certain characters as the structure is determined from the succession of headings. However, for the Python documentation, this convention is used which you may follow:

# with overline, for parts
* with overline, for chapters
= for sections
- for subsections
^ for subsubsections
" for paragraphs

Of course, you are free to use your own marker characters (see the reST documentation), and use a deeper nesting level, but keep in mind that most target formats (HTML, LaTeX) have a limited supported nesting depth.

Paragraph-level markup

These directives create short paragraphs and can be used inside information units as well as normal text:

.. versionadded:: version

This directive documents the version of the project which added the described feature. Example markup:

.. versionadded:: 2.5 Add feature description.
.. versionchanged:: version

Similar to versionadded, but describes when and what changed in the named feature in some way (new parameters, changed side effects, etc.).

Other semantic markup

The following roles don’t do anything special except formatting the text in a different style. Nonetheless, use them:


Any label used in the interface should be marked with this role, including button labels, window titles, field names, menu and menu selection names, and even values in selection lists. An accelerator key for the GUI label can be included using an ampersand; this will be stripped and displayed underlined in the output. To include a literal ampersand, double it. Example markup: Cancel


Mark a sequence of keystrokes. Example markup: STRG + G

:kbd:`STRG` + :kbd:`G`

This is used to mark a complete sequence of menu selections, including selecting submenus and choosing a specific operation. Example markup: Options ‣ Enable Live Broadcasting

:menuselection:`Options --> Enable Live Broadcasting`

The name of a file or directory. Example markup: Mixxx/Recordings


Meta-information markup

.. sectionauthor:: name <email>

Identifies the author of the current section and helps to keep track of contributions. By default, this markup isn’t reflected in the output in any way. Example markup:

.. sectionauthor:: Jon Doe <name@domain.tld>